Call for Volunteers!
Strasbourg – Éducation et petite enfance - Jardin d'enfants Stoltz
The city of Strasbourg is officially opening a call for volunteers. We are searching for motivated youth, ready to be engaged in the different service that the European Capital offer every day to his citizens.
Are you in between the age of 18 and 30 years old?
Are you ready to live a completely new experience of volunteering abroad?
Is this the very first time for you to participate in a long term project in a new country?
Did you recognize yourself in the spirit of a united Europe and in the European Values?
If yes, this opportunity of European Volunteering Service is looking for you!
The service will take place in Strasbourg, from the 1 st of September 2019 to the 31 st of May 2020.
Part of the costs of A/R travel, meals and housing (single room with a shared bathroom and kitchen in a youth residence), will be covered by the project and you will receive a monthly pocket money.
An online course of French Language will be provided to you by the OLS Platform of the Erasmus+ program, and at the end of your project you will be able to obtain the Youth Pass of the European Union.
The young volunteer will do his/her service in kindergartens and a day nursery. He/ She helps on following
children from 2.5 to 6 years old. He/ She will take part in meals, DIY, music and singing times. He/ She will
organize some activities to sensitize the staff, parents and children on similarities and differences between
the culture of children and his/her culture. Depending on his/ her own competences and wishes, he/she can
propose his/her own project, in accordance with the structure (games, festivals, exhibitions…). He/ She helps
the team in daily tasks and will always be surrounded by a responsible.
To apply is sufficient to send your CV and a Motivation Letter (in English) until 25 July by e-mail at the both address: