

Familiarize the representatives of the municipality with the methodology of the local self-government index

Local Democracy Agency Georgia held a meeting with representatives of Terjola, Baghdati and Tkibuli municipalities and city council within the framework of the project "More Transparency and Accountability for Effective Self-Government".

The purpose of the meeting was to familiarize the representatives of the municipality with the methodology of the local self-government index.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the municipality's administrative service; legal service; internal audit and inspection service; economy and property management service; public relations service; financial – budgetary and procurement service; public information officer and IT specialist and from the municipal council - the head of the council's office, representatives of the public relations department, legal service and human resources management department.

The audience present at the meeting was informed about the purpose of the index, the criteria in the blocks and sub-blocks.

The project aims at ensuring the implementation of effective self-government in the municipalities of Terjola, Tkibuli and Baghdati and to promote involvement of civil society in the decision-making process.

The project is implemented by Tkibuli District Development Fund in partnership with Local Democracy Agency Georgia, with the support of the ''Strengthening Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership’’ programme , co-funded by the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union.


One of the directions of the organization's strategy is to strengthen self-governments and increase the involvement of citizens in the decision-making process, to develop the capacity of public servants to ensure the effective functioning of self-governing units.

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