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February 2023

Youth Initiatives Program of Baghdati Municipality

Local Democracy Agency Georgia actively works with the Youth Council of Baghdati municipality. Within the framework of this mutual cooperation, with the support of LDA Georgia, the Youth Council developed the "Youth Initiatives Support Program".

The program, which was presented and discussed with the representatives of the City Hall and the City Council, was successfully reflected in the 2023 budget of Baghdati municipality.

The goal of the program is to promote the development and well-being of young people in Baghdati municipality, so that they can fully realize their potential and be actively involved in public life.

The development of the mentioned program was made possible within the framework of the project "Civil Society STAR Initiative," with the support of the European Union and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.


One of the directions of the organization's strategy is to strengthen self-governments and increase the involvement of citizens in the decision-making process, to develop the capacity of public servants to ensure the effective functioning of self-governing units.

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